GoFundMe: Saving Savvy’s Smile

GoFundMe: Save Savvy’s Smile

I have been a minor internet personality since 2012, when I started a blog about sex, and being a geek. Which in full disclosure, was just a brag about my wild sex life. It was fun while it lasted, but as I began to settle down, talking about my sexual escapades, became less interesting. I wanted to stay relevant, about being a geek however. So I switched by focus, to what I loved about being a geek. I became more focused on video games, comic books, fantasy and science fiction novels. Through video games, I found an incredible community on Twitch. A ragtag group of misfits, became a Discord channel, which then grew into a small team of streamers on Twitch.

I am now a Twitch Affiliate, and as a streamer, I play video games and chat with followers. Who truthfully are mostly friends now. I strive to keep my chat and community all-inclusive, entertaining, and fun. I want to ensure that all of the other misfits and geeks, have a safe space to be themselves. As a Twitch Affiliate, I supplement my income with subscriptions revenue. All moneys earned through Twitch, is saved to cover the costs of PC maintenance, and game purchases.

Unfortunately, my pc can no longer handle gaming and streaming together, which cuts out approximately $150 a month, from my budget. I have been unable to apply for a loan to get a new pc, as my spouse and I are cleaning up our credit, to be better eligible for a medical loan, so that I can get my teeth replaced. We have started a GoFundMe asking our friends, family, and associates, to help us compensate for unpaid time off, and any necessary items that a medical loan will not cover.

The estimated cost of a full dental replacement, with implants, is approximately $32,000. We are asking for our community’s help, to raise a tenth of that ($3,000) to cover outstanding debt, that cannot be submitted under the aforementioned medical loan. I really appreciate all of the donations and shares that we have received so far. In the interest of full disclosure, at this time, a portion of the GFM funds raised, will be used to update or replace my existing PC.

I need a reliable computer, that I can efficiently use to start streaming again, to maintain my current subscribers base. This PC is also used for me to maintain the websites for our companies, as well as my editing services. Our intention with the current PC, is to turn it into a server/storage device for manuscripts, digital art, and VODS.

If you cannot donate, please give this a share for us? We are doing everything that we can, to take care of my dental health, and we sincerely appreciate all of the support we have been getting.

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