GoFundMe Update: The One Where Savvy Pulls a Switcheroo

Well, the cat is out of the bag. I have left (Redacted), and am now working for (Redacted). This is GREAT NEWS in the long run, because it’s less stress, more pay, and better benefits. Here’s the sitch though, I am going to be without medical insurance for about 3 months. Now hypothetically, and hopefully, by the time this post goes live, I will have the good news that I can ride on my husband’s plan for that timeframe. However, it’s a slim chance, because SURPRISE! I will be working at the same company he works at.

The biggest problem with possibly not having any health insurance for 3 months, is that I have medications, that I have to get refilled every thirty days (not eligible for ninety days). I also have at least one major procedure, that needs to be done sooner, rather than later, that I am already waiting to be scheduled for. Which unfortunately, will likely end up falling inside of the 3 month probationary period for my new job. The husband is busting his patoot, to finish his current commissions, so that he can take on more, while I am still trying to find freelance work.

We’re currently succeeding in maintaining dollar for dollar donation matching, with the GoFundMe, and our intention is to maintain that goal. As of this post being typed, the GFM was at $1,265 raised. Which is incredibly exciting. My hope is that, through the generosity of our friends, family, and acquaintances, we can collect $3,000, with us saving an additional $3,000. So that outstanding medical bills from earlier this year can be paid off, and I can have a small cushion of recovery time after the dental extraction and implantation surgery.

Want to help us make it to our overall goal of $6,000? We will continue to dollar for dollar match donations made to the GoFundMe, up to the initial $3,000 goal on the GFM. Separate donations can be made, directly to my Venmo if you prefer, but please reach out to me directly to get that information.

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