Taking Accountability (Roe v. Wade Overturning)

(I go by Savvy, and my pronouns are They/Them.)

Please stop wearing/posting Handmaid’s Tale costumes. Atwood did not have BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ people in mind, when writing that story. They were already the ostracized outcasts in that story. Handmaid’s Tale was never about the reclamation and justice for the minorities that were the most affected. Wearing the garb of the Of(s), is giving the Them the power they so desire. There is no uniform for a revolution. We need to weaponize our words, our votes, and ourselves. We need to support, organize, and campaign for change. That starts with looking outside of ourselves, and seeing who this will affect the most first.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is abhorrent. Never mistake that. However, if you are white, in a hetero relationship, and not of child bearing age, you are NOT the target of these laws. Use your race, age, and affluency to protect those that cannot or are kept from protecting themselves. This overturning is just the start, as evidenced by the many articles indicating that Justice Clarence Thomas, and many others are already discussing to go after next. This is just the beginning friends. Be prepared. Be informed. Be safe.

If you are open to offering support and assistance, be sincere in your intentions. Offer what you can, where you can, but be sure that you are ensuring your own safety, before ensuring the safety of others. Be aware of what you state and offer online, as we will be moving into situations that may become, or feel like, we are living in a police state. Be vigilant. Be aware. Be safe. We protect those, that cannot protect themselves.

My DMs are always open. I am currently unable to offer much more than that. I am happy to offer assistance with researching, and creating resources for those that need. I can do most things data entry related, but am limited on my ability to do things in person. Please reach out to me via Facebook, Twitter, and Discord.
I go by SavvyDryadBunny on all of those. Please feel free to use my words, as your own, but ensure that you are sincere in your intentions, and change my social information to your social information.

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